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Apistogramma trifasciata, commonly known as Apistogramma Trifasciata or dwarf cichlids, are small, brightly colored freshwater fish with a peaceful personality. They are originated from South America. Trifasciata live in slow moving tributaries which a sandy bottom and often contain decaying leaf litter. They will become aggressive during spawning period. It is better to have a well planted aquarium with much shelters to avoid their aggressive manners.Coburg Aquarium provides a comprehensive selection of Aquarium Plants, Aquarium Live Fish, Aquarium Supplies. Products will be shipped to your door safely.

Please Note: Livestock and Live Plants cannot be shipped to WA and TAS due to State Restrictions. All other states are OK.


Features of Apistogramma Trifasciata:

  • Females stay smaller than the males. Also,the males being mainly blue and having a distinctive "spiky" dorsal fin
  • Apistogramma Trifasciata generally stay within the bottom half of the water and often sift the substrate for left over food.
  • Males tend to be extremely polygamous, you can keep one male with multiple females to control the harassement
  • Average Lifespan :5-10 years


The Best Aquarium Size for Apistogramma Trifasciata:

A male with 2 female of Apistogramma Trifasciata can be kept within a tank size of 60 Litres. Tank size can vary greatly depending on how big or small the fish is and how many you plan to stock in the tank. The bigger tank is better for the health of your fish.

After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse Aquarium Tank Selection here.

Tank Mate Compatibility:

Apistogramma Trifasciatas can be kept with other small non aggressive fish. They appreciate some tank mates to make them feel secure. Avoid aggressive species as they might become targets due to their small size. Great tank mates include:

Coburg Aquarium, specialised in different species of live fish.

Apistogramma Trifasciata Food :

Apistogramma's are omnivores and will happily eat a variety of food. A diet containing a variety of foods is recommended.They feed on plant-baed foods and meaty foods. In Coburg Aquarium online, we stock a variety high quality fish food for your choice.

Search Cichlid fish food in our High Quality Fish Foods collections.


Apistogramma Trifasciatas Tank Setup:

Aquarium Filtration

Slow-moving waters would be consistent with their natural habitat. An efficient filtration system is absolutely necessary.  Sponge filters and Hang On Filters are all good choices as they are cost effective and have low flow. Make sure the filter matches with your tank size.

Here are some great ones to consider:

Plants for Apistogramma Trifasciatas

Live Aquarium plants can provide spaces for female to lay their eggs. Apistogramma Trifasciatas appreciate to have live aquarium plants in the tank.  And they won't harm your plants. Set up your aquarium with our high quality live aquarium plants today!  Click here to see our Fish Live Plants

Decorations for Apistogramma Trifasciatas

Add Caves, Clay Pots , driftwoods and Plastic decorations in your fish tank could look good in photos. They can also provide shelter for fish to hide and avoid harasement by others. Ideal Ornaments for your tank:

After more nice quality decorations? Check our Aquarium Ornaments.


Lighting can be as bright as you need for the plants to thrive, but make sure you have a lot of cover for the dwarf cichlids. These fish do not like direct sunlight or bright light, so very bright lights need to be hitting the leaves of the plants without shining directly onto the fish.


To mimic their natural habitat, sand substrate is recommended.

A variety of Substrates are available at Coburg Aquarium.

Additional Information

Fish Keeping Snapshot :

Preferred Water Parameters :

Aquarium Set-up Service:

Our design team enables us to create the tank you desire, install your tank where you wish to and provide a maintenance service to ensure everything runs smoothly. We can create almost any aquarium from the small home aquarium to large commercial aquariums for offices, hotels or restaurants. Coburg Aquarium, Australia's leading aquarium shop.

Please contact us if you need any custom tank services.